Suncamper Motorhomes 2022 Photo of the Year Summer Edition

Hello all and its that time of year again!
Welcome to the Suncamper 2022 Photo of the Year. There were some amazing photos last time out in the Winter Edition and this year we are pleased to announce that you have the opportunity to win twice! With a whole year of travel nearly behind us now we can’t wait to see the adventures all of the builds got up to!
We are looking for the best photo featuring your Suncamper Motorhome. Whether that’s in the sun or snow, an action or leisure adventure or even your favourite drink around table.
The winner will take home a $250 fuel voucher (valuable with today’s fuel), and a copy of your “Suncamper 2022 Photo of the Year” printed on to a large Canvas Print.
To enter its simple
- Send your photos to [email protected]
- In the email Put your name, location and photo #no. in the photo’s comments (so your friends can find it). e.g. Mo and Bobby, Cradle Mountain #1of 5
- We can enter up to five photos (separate posts) of your Suncamper on the Suncamper Facebook page:
- Wait for it to be posted and like it, share it, and get your mates to like it (they don’t need to be on the page!).
To win is even simpler:
- The photo with the most likes at midnight (NSW AEST) on the 18th of December 2022 wins!!!
- To get more likes on your photo, tell your friends, family, social club, sports club, your neighbour… everyone about it, share it in group and get people to hit like on the Suncamper Facebook page. Remember the more likes the better chance you have of winning.
How the winner will be picked – you be the judge!
- Suncamper is not the judge of the competition, you, your fellow owners and the Suncamper community are!
- Scroll through the page and like + share the photos you think should win!
NOTE: To see your post and share it with others, you may need to navigate to the Community Section of the Suncamper Facebook Page.
Submit your photo by midnight (NSW AEST) on the 18th of December 2022.
- The more likes the better your chance, share it as often as you can!
- The earlier you enter, the more ‘airtime’ you shall receive!
Make sure you send us your best photos and your name so we can get them into the competition nice and promptly. Give us a call if you have any questions.
Good luck!
From all of us at the Suncamper Motorhomes Team
Conditions of entry:
- Your photo must feature your Suncamper in it somewhere
- Maximum of 5 entries per person.
- It will be counted on likes per image not per post (if you have multiple images on one post) To increase your chances of winning, please post each image separately.
- Suncamper has the right to remove or block any images at their discretion.
- You agree that Suncamper can edit and repost the photos you submit for the photo competition.
- Winner is determined by the 23rd of Decmeber 2022.

Last Editions Winner
Play to win!